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First Nations Microfinance ​

The Canadian Student Microfinance Alliance is working to partner with the First Nations Development Funds to allow members of our First Nations reserve access to capital to help develop their businesses. As one of Canada's most neglected groups, First Nation's people have had limited access to capital to establish and grow their businesses, grow their local economies and improve their quality of life. The Canadian Microfinance Alliance is striving to change that and give them their fair chance and success. 


Financial Literacy Mentorship 

The Upper Canada College Horizons Program for Financial Literacy and Microfinance allows students from across Ontario to develop their financial literacy skills. Through interactive programs, games, and lessons, we are able to help students understand all about the importance of investing, interest, business and finance. Students are able to ask questions in a safe environment and develop real world skills that will enable them to be successful inside and outside the classroom. 





Online  Finance Lessons & Kids Business Help Phone

The Canadian Student Microfinance Alliance strives to provide teens with opportunities to develop their financial literacy skills, understand the impact microfinance and businesses have on local economies and help teens start their own businesses. Through the online finance programs by the CSMA, students will be able to develop the same skills as the students in the Horizons Mentorship even if they arent in the program. The lessons are completely free and available to any student. Our goal is to have a world that is financially literate and understands how to run their own business. Kids Business Help Phone is another program which links teens who aspire to, or have already started, their own businesses to business professionals for advice and mentorship. 

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